India's MNRE has published data which shows that the nation installed 1.004 GW of grid-tied solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) capacity in 2013.
India's Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has published data which shows that the nation installed 1.004 GW of grid-tied solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) capacity in 2013, to bring it to a cumulative total of 2.18 GW.
This 1.004 GW is within 1% of the 1.0 GW forecast by Mercom Capital LLC (Austin, Texas, U.S.) as early as August 2013. Solar now represents 7.3% of India's installed grid-tied renewable energy capacity, but less than 1% of overall capacity.
Additionally, India has installed 38 MW of off-grid PV, to reach 144 MW. The nation has a goal to reach 20 GW of grid-tied and 2 GW of off-grid PV by 2022 under the National Solar Mission.
Additionally, India installed 1.3 million square meters of solar water heating collector area in 2013, and reached 7.47 million square meters.
Wind power is much more well developed in India, and represents 2/3 of all installed renewable energy capacity. At the end of 2013, India had installed 20.1 GW of wind, despite a lackluster 2013 market.
For more information on the Indian PV and CSP market, see the RESolve Energy Consultants blog.
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