Enel Green Power in the Balkans and Romania

Enel Green Power has been developing wind, hydro and PV solar power in the Balkans and Romania, the site of impressive results in 2013 that include an investment agreement struck with the EIB.

Enel Green Power has 875 megawatts of installed wind, hydroelectric and PV solar power in the Balkans and Romania, with particularly impressive results achieved in Romania. Following the rapid growth in wind power over 2012 and 2013, the Group also grid-connected 36MW of PV solar capacity between July and November.

The most recent plant to be put into service was Podari in south-western Romania. With a total installed capacity of 10MW, when fully operational it will produce up to 12 million kilowatt-hours per year, enough to meet the annual energy needs of around 10,000 Romanian households while avoiding the emission of about 6,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

EGP also signed a