Energy storage media are to help compensate for fluctuations in the power grid. From 30 September to 2 October 2013, industry experts will be presenting a variety of solutions at the f-cell, BATTERY+STORAGE, e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG and Solar Energy Solutions conferences in Stuttgart, Germany.
Meeting the demand for energy from renewable energy sources and thus protecting the climate and reducing dependence on imported energy is a long-term goal. One of the challenges involved is that production from sun and wind can no longer simply be adjusted to match actual demand in the power grid at a given time. Production proceeds independent of momentary demand levels and actually generates too much electricity at certain times. Batteries, chemical storage media such as hydrogen or methane and fuel cells can play a significant role in a future renewable energy system. That will be a major focus of discussion among industry experts at the f-cell, BATTERY+STORAGE, Solar Energy Solutions and e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG conferences under the unifying umbrella of the WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS in Stuttgart from 30 September to 2 October 2013.
“Developing complete system strategies rather than individual solutions”
“A good