Morocco will launch tenders by the end of September for two concentrated solar power plants of 200 megawatts and 100 MW

Concentrated solar power with thermal storage adds significant value

Researchers from the US NREL have calibrated the significant value that concentrating solar power (CSP) plants can add to an electric grid.

Researchers from the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have calibrated the significant value that concentrating solar power (CSP) plants can add to an electric grid.

The NREL researchers evaluated the operational impacts of CSP systems with thermal energy storage within the California electric grid managed by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO). NREL used a commercial production cost model called PLEXOS to help plan system expansion, to evaluate aspects of system reliability, and to estimate fuel cost, emissions, and other operational factors within the CAISO system. The analysis is detailed in a recent publication,