Millions of Euros for innovative wind energy demonstration projects

NER300 is the EU’s funding programme for innovative demonstration projects for renewable energy and carbon capture and storage (CCS). However while no CCS projects qualified for funding as part of the first call in 2011, renewables projects got EUR 1.2 billion – with six wind energy projects granted EUR 273 million total.

“In the first call the wind industry proved how innovative it was, winning a substantial portion of the funding available”, commented Vilma Radvilaite, Regulatory Affairs Advisor at the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).

“However, to be considered under the second call wind energy developers will need innovative projects that are supported by a national government ahead of a 3 July deadline. Although the deadline is tight and companies will need to move fast, EWEA encourages its members to apply.”

In order to qualify, developers must apply in their Member State to be selected for co-financing. Then the Member State will submit the selected projects to the European Investment Bank and the European Commission, by 3 July 2013.

The wind categories have remained the same as for the first call, and include offshore wind farms with very large turbines, floating offshore turbines and onshore wind turbines for complex terrains and cold climates.

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