Wellington Wind Group (WWG) is an embryonic company set up in 2011 by a group of Wellingtonians following public meetings over two years to explore building a wind farm at Long Gully. Hikurangi is a Wellington-based charitable trust that operates throughout the country, growing social ventures that move New Zealand towards a sustainable future. They have a strong focus on renewable energy.
Hikurangi will provide project management support to complement the expertise held by WWG members who have contributed their time to advance the concept, including exploring a cooperative ownership structure and creating a database of people interested in investing in a locally owned wind farm.
In a joint statement, Jan Rivers, a director of Wellington Wind Group Ltd and James Shaw, Programme Manager – Energy at Hikurangi, said the partnership will benefit both parties.
“Wellington Wind Group will receive timely assistance – another shoulder to the wheel – while Hikurangi will use this as a pilot for other community energy projects they are developing,” they stated.
“In addition to Long Gully there is another Wellington opportunity under consideration, details of which will be announced before the end of the year
“Community owned renewable energy is a fledging sector in New Zealand with huge potential to increase clean energy, strengthen local governance and finance community development.”