The US wind industry has expanded at an unprecedented rate – 6.8 GW of wind power was added in 2011 alone and an even higher number is expected in 2012. In their effort to make the industry more cost efficient, turbine manufacturers have produced additional number of large scale wind turbines which have already gained a significant part of the market in the US wind sector.
In its Wind Technologies Market Report, published in August 2012, the US Department of Energy, noted constant increase in size of new generation wind turbines – from 1.67MW in 2008 to 1.97MW in 2011. Furthermore, 42% of turbines installed in 2011 were bigger than 2.0 MW, compared to only 16% 2007.
Although significantly more effective in terms of energy generation, these new wind turbine models hide numerous risks. More complex logistics, hazardous electrical systems and higher towers are only few of the features which could have a negative impact on workers’ safety and require sophisticated tools and strategies of controlled. Health and Safety Managers across the industry are now faced with the uneasy task to complete more complex projects on time and budget in an accident free environment.
To assist the industry with these challenges, Wind Energy Update has launched its 2nd annual Wind Health and Safety Summit USA (30-31 Oct 2012, Dallas, Texas). This is currently the only business to business event designed to provide first- hand information on how to effectively reduce the frequency of safety incidents in wind projects. Among the confirmed speakers are C-level decision makers of the calibre of Infigen’s VP, Mitsubishi’s VP, Suzlon’s VP and many more.
The health and safety industry elite will gather in Dallas at the end of October to discuss long-term, corporate health and safety strategies as well as specific technical challenges and the methods for their control.
OSHA’s Area Director Fort Worth will also join the summit to give his update on what has OSHA already done to collaborate with the wind industry for the long term benefit of all involved.
To see who else is speaking and what topics are they going to discuss during the two days simply click the “Download Brochure” button on the right and get a free copy of the conference brochure now.
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