Benedict XVI has always expressed his concern on caring for the environment. In 2009, he even had solar panels installed at the Vatican to help with some its energy needs.
Now, the pope is taking another step forward in “going green”. The French car company Renault gave one of their new electric cars as a gift to Benedict XVI at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.
President, Renault Italy
“We knew for some time that the Vatican and the Pope were especially keen on durable solutions for mobile technology to protect the environment.”
The car will not be converted into one of the famous ‘popemobiles’ but nonetheless it will be used by the Pope. It will be used to travel short distances within the gardens of Castel Gandolfo and will remain off the streets. Some changes were made especially to this model.
President, Renault Italy
“We made entry to the vehicle very easy and it has a very large inside and is very bright.”
Benedict XVI is not the only one to receive this gift… The Vatican police will also have use of the new car.
President, Renault Italy
“For these two cars, which are 100% electric, we use the model Kangoo Maxi ZE. We worked with our engineers in Paris to create these two models that are unique to the needs of the Vatican.”
The car will now join the Vatican fleet of vehicles that is growing more green every year.