Solar Panel Info provides their visitors with the information they need to confidently install solar panels on their home or business, says SEO Service Group.
SEO Service Group announces that their client, Solar Panel Info, is helping to expand the solar energy field by offering customers a way to receive solar panels with no upfront cost.
The company provides information to visitors that will allow them to start using solar energy quickly and for free.
The company stated, “The greatest benefit of solar panel installation is lower electrical bills. If your home is particularly suitable to generating solar energy, this can be a very significant change. In fact, most utility companies will even allow you to sell excess energy back to them whenever you generate more than you use. Many people are unsure of what additional changes to their electrical system are necessary. The only changes that will be made to your electrical system are the solar panels and the equipment that they use to connect to your existing electrical system,” when asked about the benefits of solar panels.
The rising cost of electricity has become a major reason that solar panel installation has started to increase. Solar Panel Info wants their visitors to be able to lower their electricity bills and free themselves from the burden of rising electricity costs. Their innovative stance on solar energy has allowed them to help people get solar panels installed without the high cost that is normally associated with the process.
When asked about the cost of solar panels being a huge deterrent for homeowners, a company representative stated, ‘Today, solar companies not only offer free installation, they offer a lease so that you have NO upfront costs. The solar panels on your rooftop start generating electricity from Day 1. This significantly reduces your monthly electric bill. For most homeowners and businesses, the reduced electric bill plus solar payment are less than the old electric bill. Bottom line, you pay nothing for installation of your solar panels and less each month for electricity than you did before the installation.”
About Solar Panel Info
Kim Hopkins has been a prominent electrical contractor operating in Los Angeles, California since 1979. Through years of experience, Kim has become a knowledgeable expert in the solar installation field and has started Solar Panel Info to help homeowners and businesses alike convert from traditional to solar energy with no upfront costs.