The regional bisecretario stressed that this example can put the Coquimbo Region as “the capital of renewable energy, particularly wind power. Today we have 97% of this energy, we have five wind farms and 192 MW of installed capacity. This region offers all conditions for wind farm factors above 28%. ”
The Seremi highlighted this initiative materialize in the medium term will increase the current installed wind power in Coquimbo Region, which is 192 MW.
The authority of the macro zone, accompanied by professional service of the Environmental Assessment (SEA) and the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG), came to the coastal area of Choapa, about 3 miles from Route 5, where the company Acciona Energy intends to raise 22 wind turbines of 3 MW.
“This is a modification of the RCA obtained in 2009, where he (the owner) decreased from 69 to 22 wind turbines. For that, we need to know the technical specifications. While the installed capacity is reduced, it is still important: Will be 170 GWh per year in energy generation, “said Cantellano.
Fabio de la Fuente, project manager of Acciona Energía Chile, said that while there is a change to provide the project with 22 wind turbines, the other alternative is to install 15 towers, of 3 MW each, and with a height of rotor 92 meters. This is coupled with a substation and 6.7 miles of drainage line to connect the substation Las Palmas.
The professional indicated that the change to the original project for two reasons: “First there was plenty of time to see the feasibility of establishing a power contract and in that time there was a change in technology, and with such assessments improve generation capacity of the park “.
De la Fuente also said that trying to improve the plant factor of the other existing parks, with values ranging between 29.5% and 33%, which will depend on the amount of wind turbines.
Acciona has wind energy projects in the south and explore other initiatives in photovoltaic and concentrating solar thermal in the north. The wind farm could inject new energy to the Central Interconnected System (SIC) in the first quarter of 2013. ”