In response to a proposed national study by Health Canada on wind turbine sound and human health, the European, American, Canadian, global and United Kingdom wind energy industry associations point to 17 reviews of independent research and evidence that all conclude wind is not harmful to human health. According to the associations, wind energy is regarded as one of the safest forms of electricity generation. At the end of 2011, there were 237,669 MW of installed wind energy capacity around the world. Wind energy is a leading source of new electricity globally and is operating in more than 89 countries.
“As a responsible industry that has been delivering clean electricity for more than 30 years, we collectively continue to engage with experts in science, medicine and occupational and environmental health to monitor ongoing credible research in the area of wind turbines and human health. While Health Canada’s proposed new study may contribute to the significant knowledge base on this topic, the balance of scientific evidence and human experience to date clearly concludes that wind turbines are not harmful to humans,” said a joint statement signed by the American Wind Energy Association, the Canadian Wind Energy Association, the European Wind Energy Association, the Global Wind Energy Council and Renewable UK.
Over the past number of years the wind energy industry has worked proactively to ensure citizens have factual answers to their questions. The entire wind industry supports responsible engagement with communities and stakeholders to ensure questions are answered in a timely and appropriate manner, and understands this is fundamental to successful development of the wind energy the world wants.
Commented Chris Long, AWEA’s Manager of Offshore Wind and Siting Policy, ““The credible peer-reviewed scientific data and various government reports in the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K. refute the claim that wind farms cause negative health impacts. The fact remains that the combined benefits of wind energy–no pollution or water usage associated with energy production, zero carbon emissions–all serve to make wind power far more friendly to human health than other more traditional forms of energy production.”
Link to 17 reviews of research literature on wind farms and health
Tom Gray,