Wind energy in Brazil: BNDES Financing BRL378 Million of Iberdrola Wind Farm

Forca Eolica do Brasil, a joint venture between Iberdrola and Neoenergia (GNAN3B.SM), the Brazilian utility controlled by Iberdrola and Brazil’s biggest pension fund, is investing BRL594.5 million to build five wind farms in the northeastern Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Norte and Bahia. The wind power installations will have a combined capacity of 150 megawatts, the BNDES said on its website.

The BNDES last year carried out BRL3.4 billion in financing for wind farm projects, helping build 1,160 megawatts of new wind energy capacity, the BNDES said in the note.

The development bank currently has in its portfolio 107 projects, at all stages of financing, which will require BRL12.4 billion in investment and of which BNDES is financing BRL8.4 billion.

Wind turbines in Brazil

1997: 3 MW
1998: 17 MW (+466.7 %)
1999: 19 MW (+11.8 %)
2000: 22 MW (+15.8 %)
2001: 24 MW (+9.1 %)
2002: 22 MW (-8.3 %)
2003: 24 MW (+9.1 %)
2004: 24 MW (- %)
2005: 29 MW (+20.9 %)
2006: 237 MW (+717.3 %)
2007: 247 MW (+4.3 %)
2008: 339 MW (+37.3 %)
2009: 606 MW (+78.8 %)
2010: 931 MW (+53.7 %)
2011: 1,509 MW (+62.1 %)