One wind farm will be built at a cost of US$195.7 million (more than RD$7.0 billion), according to the CDEEE director Celso Marranzini, who signed the agreements with Aquilles Mateo Flaquer, representing Parques Eólicos del Caribe (PECASA) and Wilfredo González, of the Grupo Eólico Dominicano.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will finance PECASA’s wind power plants in Guanillo, Villa Vásquez, in northwestern Montecristi, with US$126.8 million, to be completed in a little over 18 months the Aeolian wind farm, with an output of up to 50MW.
The Grupo Eólico Dominicanos wind farm will be operational at around the same time, at a cost of 68.9 million, in Matafongo, Matanzas, southern Peravia province, also of up to 50 MW.
In both cases the CDEEE will buy the energy annually as established in Law 57-07 on the renewable energies market. Both contracts last 20 years counted from once the first wind generator enters commercial operations.