Wind power in Uruguay: SANJOSE will develop a wind farm of 40 MW

This wind power project, together with the 50 MW awarded in 2011, involves for Grupo SAN JOSE an Energy and Environment portfolio in Uruguay of over USD 515 million.

The national power company UTE (Administración Nacional de Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas) of Uruguay has awarded Vengano S.A. (Consortium formed by Grupo Sanjose (40%), Corporación America (40%) and Contreras Hermanos (20%) the execution, development and maintenance during the following 20 years of a wind farm of 40 MW in the country department of Maldonado, consisting of 14 wind turbines with a generating capacity of 3MW each.

Vengano will run the wind farm for the following 20 years by applying a concession model which ensures a fixed rate for each generated MW/h.

The wind power contract type is that used by the national power company UTE in the awarding in 2011 to Fingano S.A. (Grupo SANJOSE 40%, Corporación America 40% and Contreras Hermanos 20%) of another wind farm of 50 MW (25 wind turbines with a generating capacity of 2 MW each) located in the country department of Maldonado.

By José Santamarta,