Wind power Goldwind in Australia

Goldwind Australia Continues Its Mission of ‘Preserving White Clouds and Blue Skies for the Future, in Business Review Australia

Goldwind Australia is helping protect the nation’s environmental future, one rotation at a time.

China-based Goldwind Science and Technology Co became the world’s fourth largest manufacturer of wind turbines by wind energy market share in 2010.

Today, the company operates more than 11,000 wind turbines around the world (more than 15GW of installed capacity), and a majority of these machines are located in wind farm plants across China. The wind power company has experienced rapid growth since its inception in 1998: between 2000 and 2009, Goldwind doubled its factory output every year.

Today, there are 14 manufacturing plants in operation around the world, including Germany, where Goldwind is a 70 per cent stakeholder in Vensys Energy — a key technology partner.

In an ongoing effort to globalise the business, Goldwind expanded to Australia in 2009 and is currently working with key developers in the Australian and New Zealand markets to support their development pipelines.

Given Australia’s increasingly mining-centered economy, renewable power generation and lowering the nations’ emissions intensity are crucial areas of focus for the economy.