Wind power: Senators introduce bipartisan PTC extension legislation

"I want to applaud Senators Grassley, Udall, Brown, Harkin, Heller, Wyden and Bennet for introducing this important piece of legislation. The support of these Senate leaders, along side the overwhelmingly strong and bipartisan support the Production Tax Credit extension has received in the House, clearly shows that wind energy is one of the few items of consensus in an otherwise difficult political climate.

"Immediate extension of the PTC is critical in order to save 37,000 U.S. wind turbines manufacturing jobs that will otherwise be lost in the next year. Advancements in wind technology have resulted in a steady decline of the cost of electricity from wind farm, and we’ve been clear that we don’t need the PTC forever. We are just asking to finish the job. One of America’s fastest growing new manufacturing sectors would be lost if the PTC is not extended."