During the testing, the turbine delivered 102 percent of its estimated power curve, translating to higher than projected power generation, and improved returns for customers.
The turbine has already seen over 1,000 MW in orders since its launch in April last year, the statement said.
"It is incredibly rare that a complex product like a wind turbine – with over 2,000 parts and weighing over 250 tonnes generates more power than was even projected. This increase is mainly attributed to our new smart aerodynamic technology and efficient control systems," Suzlon Energy president for technology John O’Halloran said.
The S9X suite is consistently delivering 97 percent plus uptime on all installations, over a period of more than 10 months now, he said.
"Our customers have already placed more than one GW of orders with us for the S9X suite of turbines, and this result clearly underscores that we have delivered a product that exceeds their demanding standards," Suzlon Group chairman Tulsi Tanti said.
The S9X suite builds on Suzlon’s long experience in the 2 MW space with its fleet of over 2,000 S88 turbines – translating to over 4,000 MW of power generating capacity – operating around the world, he said.
"Our focus has been to consistently lower the cost of wind energy, and as a result we are today achieving parity with conventional sources like coal and gas. We have a wind turbine for every kind of wind farm site and our focus remains to generate more energy from the same resources, creating more profit for our customers and more green energy to power the global economy," Tanti added.