Offshore wind might be new to Rieks, but wind and Vestas are certainly not. The now former President of Vestas Central Europe joined the company in 1993 and has held several positions in different parts of Vestas ever since. Although offered the new job only a few days ago, Rieks is ready to outline the main priorities for Vestas Offshore.
“Offshore wind remains an important part of Vestas’ strategy going forward and I am looking very much forward to this new exciting opportunity. Vestas has made our mark on the industry since its very beginnings and I am confident that we will continue to do so. The market potential is immense and it is my clear objective to ensure that we remain a leading player and gain an even bigger piece of the pie going forward”, states Hans Jörn Rieks, new head of offshore in Vestas.
Fully aware that offshore wind is quite another ballgame compared to onshore wind, Rieks sees opportunities, not obstacles.
“I’m confident that I can contribute with a vast network and years of experience in dealing with customers and markets. A lot of Vestas’ onshore-customers are either already involved with offshore or looking into entering this market,” Rieks explains. With respect to some of the often hard lessons learned in the offshore-business, he points out product quality and execution as other important focus areas.