The first 40 MW have come online at the biggest wind farm in Italy operated by the Enel renewables company.
Once completed, the overall wind power installed on the island by Enel Green Power will rise to over 250 MW. The first 40 MW of the overall 90 MW installed capacity at the Portoscuso wind farm in the Sulcis Iglesiente area, are now online.
Once completed, the Portoscuso plant with its 39 wind turbines of 2.3 MW each will become Enel Green Power’s largest wind farm in Italy. Once fully operational, with its 90 MW installed capacity it will be capable of generating 185 million kilowatt hours a year, equivalent to the consumption of 70 thousand households as well as avoiding the atmospheric emission of over 130 thousand tonnes of CO2.
"This is yet another important step forward in the Enel Green Power programme for organic growth, as set out in the development plans and presented to the market" said Francesco Starace, CEO of Enel Green Power. "We are extremely proud of our Sardinian operations and we will be completing this major project in the coming weeks."
EGP currently has three wind farms in operation in Sardinia delivering over 240 million kWh per year from a total installed capacity of 161 MW which, with the new Portoscuso plant, is set to rise to 250 MW.