“There are more than 5,000 companies operating in the U.S. solar energy industry. These companies employ over 100,000 American workers, including more than 25,000 in the manufacturing sector.
“As long as the U.S. is able to compete on an even playing field, the combination of policy certainty, private investment and continued technological advances will keep the solar industry as one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the country.
“Global trade in solar products has been good for the United States by expanding export opportunities for domestic manufacturers, creating jobs and driving down costs to consumers.
“As global competition intensifies, we will continue to support open markets based on free and fair trade principles. It is critical that governments and private parties operate within the framework of internationally-negotiated trade rules.
“If it appears that trade obligations are not being met, solar companies – whether foreign or domestic – have the right to request an investigation into alleged unfair trade practices. These allegations must be thoroughly examined and, if unlawful trade practices are found, action to remedy those practices should be taken.
“In turn, parties accused of unfair trade practices also have the right to defend themselves in the process of these investigations.
“The bottom line is that these investigations provide a legitimate, transparent mechanism for resolving trade disputes and determining what – if any – unfair practices have occurred."
Background Materials:
Solar Market Insight: 2nd Quarter 2011 highlights the U.S. market’s robust growth so far in 2011. See the Executive Summary (Sept. 20): www.seia.org/galleries/pdf/SMI-Q2-2011-ES.pdf
U.S. Solar Energy Trade Assessment shows the U.S. was a net exporter of solar energy products in 2010, even to China (Aug., 2011):
Over 100,000 Americans are working in the U.S. solar industry today across all 50 states. Meet a few of them at www.SolarWorksforAmerica.org. ;
The Solar Foundation’s “2011 Solar Jobs Census” (Oct. 17, 2011): http://thesolarfoundation.org/sites/thesolarfoundation.org/files/TSF_JobsCensus2011_Final_Compressed.pdf
SEIA®is the national trade association of the U.S. solar energy industry. Through advocacy and education, SEIA® is working to build a strong solar industry to power America. As the voice of the industry, SEIA® works with its 1,000 member companies to make solar a mainstream and significant energy source by expanding markets, removing market barriers, strengthening the industry and educating the public on the benefits of solar energy.