The wind power generation project will be developed and managed in partnership by the Energy Consortium of Punta Cana and EGE Haina. The second phase will have 19 more windmills at the location to make the total number of wind turbine installations at the location to 33. Each of the wind turbines is designed to generate 1.8 MW of clean power. On completion of all the planned phases, the wind farm will generate enough power to meet around 10% power requirement of the country. The Energy and Industry Fund of VICINI has made the major investment in the project and has also involved the local community participation in the project to encourage regional as well as local economic development.
VICINI, a private asset management company with over 150 years of experience in investing and located in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean has asset interests in diverse range of industries such as real estate development, tourism, media, banking and financial services, agriculture and energy, production, and food and beverage. The company is committed to sustainable development.
By José Santamarta,