With the entry into service of Peña Nebina (Zamora), the company now has 5,976 MW wind turbines installed in the country for itself or other companies, representing 28% of the installed wind power capacity in Spain. Acciona currently owns 163 wind farms in Spain with a total capacity of 4,621 MW, almost 22% of the installed capacity in the country.
The new wind power facility represents an investment of 28.6 million euros, will generate power equivalent to the consumption of 17,000 homes and has created 200 jobs during the construction phase.
Acciona Energy has grid connected the Peña Nebina wind park in Zamora province (Spain), taking it above 200 wind parks installed in the country, either for itself or for other companies. The plant has a total capacity of 5,976 megawatts (MW), i.e. 28% of wind power capacity in Spain. The company now owns 163 wind farms (4,621 MW), representing almost 22% of the country’s total capacity.
The Peña Nebina wind farm located at Ferreruela (Zamora) and has a capacity of 20 MW spread across ten 2 MW wind turbines. With an estimated investment of around 28.6 million euros, it will generate clean energy equivalent to the consumption of 17,000 homes and will avoid the emission (annual average) of 52,740 metric tons of CO2 from coal-fired power stations. This is equivalent to cleaning effect on the atmosphere of 2.6 million trees through the process of photosynthesis. The construction of the wind park has meant the creation of around 200 direct jobs.
Acciona owns 21 wind farms totaling 519.7 MW in the region of Castilla y León, distributed as follows in different provinces: Palencia (8), Zamora (6), Burgos (3), Soria (2), Segovia (1) and Avila (1). It has also installed three wind farms for other customers, totaling 94.5 MW.
Acciona owns and operates wind farms in another nine regions of Spain. The major ones are Galicia (40 wind farms), Navarre (27), Valencia (26), Andalusia (21) and Castilla-La Mancha (17). These are followed by Catalonia (5s), Asturias (3), Aragon (2) and the Basque Country (1). Acciona has built 32 wind farms for its customers in Castilla-La Mancha, 2 in Murcia and 1 in Galicia, plus these three new ones in Castilla y León.
By José Santamarta, www.acciona.es