GAS NATURAL FENOSA RENOVABLES completed today the acquisition from the ACS group of investments in five wind power farms in the Autonomous Communities of Catalonia, Galicia and Andalusia. The 72.4 million euro operation was announced on 1 July, pending official approval at that time.
The five wind farms will add 95.5 MW of attributable capacity to GAS NATURAL FENOSA RENOVABLES’ wind energy portfolio.
The company has acquired 71.2 MW of attributable capacity in the Somozas, Novo and Monte Redondo wind farms in Galicias’s La Coruña province; 15.9 MW of attributable capacity in the Trucafort wind farm in Tarragona province in Catalonia; and 8.4 MW in the Los Llanos and El Juncal, in Malaga, Andalusia.