Sources de la Loire wind farm has come online, increasing the total Enel Green Power installed capacity in France by 18 MW. The new wind farm, consisting of 9 wind turbines of 2 MW each, is in the Département de l’Ardèche, in the municipality of Saint Cirgues en Montagne (Rhône Alpes Region).
Generating 50 million kWh per year of zero emissions energy, Sources de la Loire will be capable of meeting the consumption needs of some 15 thousand households, avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of 40 thousand tonnes of CO2.
The entry into service of this new wind farm confirms Enel Green Power’s growth strategy for the renewables market in France. The company can now count on a total installed wind power capacity of 166 MW. Enel Green Power can also count on additional development opportunities by leveraging on a project pipeline in wind, solar and hydro of 1,000 MW.
“With Sources de la Loire now operational, we further confirm our goal of consolidating and increasing our presence in the extremely promising French renewables market,” stated Francesco Starace, CEO and General Manager of Enel Green Power.
Enel Green Power is the Enel Group company devoted to the development and management of power generation from renewable sources at the international level, with a presence in Europe and the Americas. It is among the industry leaders worldwide thanks to its approximately 22 billion KWh generated from a well balanced energy mix inclusive of water, solar energy, wind power and geothermal energy sources.
This is enough to meet the energy needs of about 8 million households and avoid the emission of more than 16 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. The company’s installed capacity exceeds 6,100 MW, produced by more than 620 plants in operation around the world, with a generation mix that includes wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and biomass.