Rising gas prices, carbon constraints, fuel economy standards, and the desire for energy independence are driving the development of PHEVs which are expected to achieve the equivalent of 100 miles per gallon of gasoline. If they achieve significant market potential, they will have a huge impact on the electric industry increasing load by an amount which could put the grid at risk. In order to cope with this risk, the report seeks to provide readers with an understanding of the likely impacts of PHEV on the grid, options the industry can use to deal with the impacts, and the decisions that need to be made now to ensure that PHEVs are a boon to the industry rather than a bane.
The Impact of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles on the Electric Industry provides industry participants with the knowledge they need to begin preparing for the introduction of PHEVs.
Topics covered in the report include:
Explanation of how electricity can be used as a transportation fuel
Definition and comparison of electric, hybrid electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Overview of the history of using electricity to power vehicles
Discussion of why PHEVs will have a significant impact on the electric grid
Evaluation of the key business factors that are driving PHEVs to market
Evaluation of the challenges that are hindering the commercialization of PHEVs
Analysis of how PHEVs will impact the electric industry in terms of load, emissions, and production costs
Discussion of how PHEVs can provide energy and capacity to the grid (vehicle-to-grid power)
Profiles of utility efforts to prepare for PHEVs
Key Topics Covered:
Overview of Electric Vehicles
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
How Will PHEVs Impact the Electric Industry?
Getting Ready for PHEVs
Companies Mentioned:
Austin Energy
Baltimore Gas & Electric
Dominion Virginia Power
DTE Energy
Duke Energy
Florida Power & Light
Hawaiian Electric Company
Pacific Gas & Electric
Progress Energy
San Diego Gas & Electric
Seattle City Light
Southern California Edison
Xcel Energy