The current heat wave in the United States, with associated rolling blackouts, illustrates the fragile state of the US electric grid and Sky Power Solutions is poised to provide decentralized out flow to the grid to help prevent future blackouts as the installed base increases.
With an optional upgrade, users of the Sky Power Solutions, Residential, Standalone unit will have the ability to capture and store electric power using Lithium Ion batteries for later use. Batteries are charged with power generated from the sun by the Sky Power System, when fully charged power flows out to the grid. During power outages, the Sky Power System provides emergency electricity to its users. Multiple battery packs can be combined to increase capacity and add additional backup power. During periods of rolling blackouts, the Sky Power Solutions System can automatically transfer the electric load to the installed battery bank providing users with uninterrupted electric power.
The Sky Power System is being developed at the R & D facilities of Li-ion Motors Corp., using the same team that won the 2010 X-Prize for Li-ion Motors in the side by side competition with an astonishing 187MPGe with their WAVE II all electric car. Taking advantage of lessons learned in the development of the most efficient car to date, Sky Power Solutions has harnessed this mind power for the further development of the Sky Power Residential Stand Alone, Solar Concentrating, Electric Generation System.
The Sky Power Solutions residential solar power station will have the ability to reduce the average user’s monthly electric grid consumption by up to 30-40% with ZERO emissions and a ZERO carbon footprint; using only solar power. Visually appealing, the Sky Power Solutions System can easily be installed in most backyards taking less than one third of the space of conventional Solar panels. The entry level price point for a Sky Power Solutions Concentrated Solar Electric System is estimated to be $5,000 at release. Multiple units can be combined for increased capacity.
Electric consumption in the United States is increasing at a rate that will outpace the anticipated expansion of the US Electric Grid’s capacity and Sky Power Solutions has identified this and is poised for expansion into the Residential Electric Power Generation market to allow end users to generate and return 30-40% of their electric usage back to the grid using "Net-Metering" and the Sky Power System.
Sky Power Solutions, the exclusive provider of advanced Lithium Ion battery technology to Li-ion Motors Corp for use in their all electric, zero emission automobiles, sees the growth in the consumer acceptance of all electric cars and the increased burden that it will place on the US Electric Grid as electrical capacity is expected to decline. The Residential Solar Generation System will augment the Electric Grid by lowering the grid consumption of the users and actually augmenting the Electric Grid by producing and sending electricity from the residential user’s surplus back into the grid, causing the user’s electric meter to run backwards. This not only reduces their electric bill, but more importantly adds needed power to a stressed grid benefiting everyone.