Bradley, IER continue long crusade against wind energy

Robert Bradley, of the petro-funded and misleadingly named Institute for Energy Research (Ministry for Fossil Fuel Propaganda, perhaps, would be more precise), continues his lengthy crusade against clean energy with a tirade against subsidies in yesterday’s Washington Times.

Given that Mr. Bradley was director of public policy analysis for seven years at Enron, the natural gas giant that collapsed some years ago in a cloud of falsehoods and lawsuits, one might reasonably question whether his energy policy wisdom should guide the nation. Be that as it may, as we’ve said here multiple times, but perhaps not in so many words: whatever negative comments you want to make about federal incentives for wind power go double (triple? quadruple?) for the permanent gravy train that has been created for oil and gas subsidies.

To quote (with some added emphasis) an article by AWEA Chief Economist Liz Salerno that appeared on this blog some months ago:

"With the deficit at record levels, hypocrisy has no role in the discussion of eliminating Federal incentives for energy. A level playing field in the energy sector is what the renewable sector is seeking.

"The only energy sources with no sunset on their subsidies and a permanent place in the tax code are fossil fuels. For nearly 100 years, the U.S. government has dumped well over $500 billion into subsidizing fossil fuels, and the subsidies remain permanent. Yet, still unable to stand on its own in the marketplace, the fossil sector defends such subsidies as entitlements.

"The American Petroleum Institute (API) recently commissioned a study identifying over $35 billion in subsidies that the fossil fuel industries automatically receive over the next 10 years. These costs are permanent to the taxpayer, as subsidies for fossil fuels are permanent in the tax code. The subsidies identified include:

"Expensing Intangible Drilling Costs (oil, gas & coal) – Enacted: 1916. Status: Permanent in Tax Code: Cost over next 10 years: $10.9 billion

"Percent Depletion Allowance (oil, gas & coal) – Enacted: 1926/1932. Status: Permanent in Tax Code. Cost over next 10 years: $9.6 billion

"6% Income Deduction under Section 199 (treatment for oil & gas) – Enacted: 2004. Status: Permanent in Tax Code: Cost over next 10 years: $14.8 billion.

"The American renewable energy industries have identified long-term, predictable, stable markets as the single most critical factor to growing the sector. Long-term stability and predictability has a track record of great success with the fossil fuel and conventional energy industries. The long-term, permanent incentives afforded to conventional energy sources have helped create strong, large domestic markets. Equal treatment of newer, cleaner, renewable energy resources will bring domestic manufacturing, investment and stable-priced electricity."

By Tom Gray,