There has been well-publicised movement of companies that are venturing into both technologies. Earlier this year, CSP heavyweight Solar Millennium announced their business expansion into PV; likewise, SCHOTT Solar, Siemens and Abengoa hold businesses in both areas. This flurry of activity has raised the question about the feasibility of a well-adjusted co-existence and how it could re-shape the solar sector as a whole in the near future.
To explore the implications of this matter, CSP Today has organised a webinar entitled “CSP and PV: Balancing Competition and Opportunity”. The 45-minute session includes live Q&A’s and will be delivered by three key industry figures:
Luis Crespo, Secretary-General of Protermosolar and President at the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association (ESTELA)
Pablo Giménez, Business Development Manager at FRV (Fotowatio Renewable Ventures)
Ruud Dekkers, Senior Executive Manager and Head of Project Development at Solar Millennium
Crespo and Giménez will outline their thoughts on the cost and market prospects for CSP and PV respectively, highlighting the development drivers for each industry. In addition, they will delve into the technology-specific competitive advantages that will define the best opportunities for market proliferation.
Dekkers will offer the developer‘s perspective on the potential for co-existence and the implications of this vision of a balanced solar industry.
The fast changes in the energy mix are opening new opportunities for renewables; this webinar will offer a fresh insight into whether the solar industry can move forward as one, or whether the inherent differences between these two technologies make it impossible to achieve equilibrium.