Key data for the year 2010:
• Total EU solar thermal collectors at the end of 2010: 25 135.6 MWth
• The solar thermal collector surface area installed during 2010: 3 753 644 m2
• Total concentrated solar energy plant electrical capacity in the EU at the end of 2010: 638.4 MWe
For the second year running, new installations for hot water production and space heating (collectors) decreased. According to the EurObserv’ER survey the newly-assigned surface area was 3.8 million m2 in 2010, down from 4.2 million m2 in 2009 and 4.6 million m2 in 2008.
The European high-temperature solar sector for electricity production has been taking shape with 638.4 MW already installed. Added in the year 2010 was 406 MWe of which Spain accounts for almost all of this capacity. A further five EU countries, mostly Mediterranean, intend to develop the Concentrated Solar Power sector.
Besides the 2010 realisations per EU Member State other subjects that are discussed in the new barometer are:
• Selected country reviews
• Renewable energy policies
• Industry overview
• Comparison with National Renewable Energy Action Plans