Sky Power Solutions (OTCBB: SPOW), an emerging leader in the development and marketing of next generation lithium-powered batteries worldwide, proudly announces that it has entered into the research and development phase for the creation of a residential electric power station for retail sale capable of producing over 2KW in full sun light.
Electric consumption in the United States is increasing at a rate that will outpace the anticipated expansion of the US Electric Grid’s capacity and Sky Power Solutions has identified this and is poised for expansion into the Residential Electric Power Generation market to allow end users to generate and return 30-40% of their electric usage back to the grid using "Net-Metering" and the Sky Power System.
The Energy Information Administration reports that the growth of electric generating capacity is expected to decline after 2012. A construction boom in the early 2000s saw capacity additions averaging 35 gigawatts a year, much higher than had been seen before. More recently, average annual builds have dropped to around 16 gigawatts per year, creating a significant shortfall looking forward. Sky Power Solutions is geared to respond to this need with the development and potential sale of a Residential Stand-Alone, Solar concentrating, electric generation system.
Annual builds of new power plants are anticipated to drop significantly after 2012 and remain below 7 gigawatts per year until 2025 as reported by the Energy Information Administration. Growth of consumption is anticipated to far exceed the growth of capacity, resulting in the need to anticipate this need and to accommodate the demand.
Sky Power Solutions, the exclusive provider of advanced Lithium Ion battery technology to Li-ion Motors Corp for use in their all electric, zero emission automobiles has determined the growth in the consumer acceptance of all electric cars will place an increased burden on the US Electric Grid at the same time growth in capacity of electrical capacity is expected to decline. Sky Power Solutions is moving to meet this demand, at the same time, lowering the grid consumption of the users of the Residential Solar Generation System and actually augmenting the Electric Grid by producing and sending electricity from the residential user’s surplus capacity into the grid, therefore causing the user’s electric meter to run backwards, not only reducing the electric bill, but more importantly adding needed power to a stressed grid for the benefit of all.
Sky Power Solutions’ structure is a hexagonal structure and can accommodate more Lithium and more energy. The elements and specially transition metals have been selected precisely to make Sky Power Solutions’ cathode materials safe, environmentally friendly and less expensive. By combining our Electric Vehicle solutions with the generation of electricity on the residential level, Sky Power Solutions is on the forefront of the future of power generation in the US and will continue to pursue such efforts in an attempt to relieve the burden of growth on the electric grid, at the same time allowing users to reduce their electric bills by sending electricity out to the grid or use this surplus electric to charge their electric car.