Eesti Energia and GE Energy have signed an agreement for the construction of a new wind farm on the Pakri peninsula with an expected completion over the course of 2012. The wind farm will consist of nine wind turbines with a total generating capacity of 22.5 MW.
Estimated annual electricity generation of the wind farm amounts to around 67 GWh and the total investment is estimated around €33m.
Construction of the Paldiski wind farm is in line with Eesti Energia´s long term strategy of reducing the group´s CO2 emissions. The investment will also capitalise on the excellent wind conditions of the Pakri peninsula, which is located on the limestone plateau over 20 metres above the sea-level.
Agreement with GE Energy covers the construction of the foundations and the assembly of the wind turbines on the site.
Main grid connection substation is already under constructed by Skanska EMV, while civil engineering works tender for the wind farm will be finalized over the course of this summer.