The Nebraska Public Power District plans to buy into a second wind farm in Broken Bow. Board members voted earlier this month to negotiate an agreement with Midwest Wind Energy for an 80 megawatt farm.
Under the proposed deal, NPPD would get 30 megawatts of power, bringing the company’s total wind power to 232 megawatts. That’s more than half of its 2020 goal for renewable energy.
One megawatt amounts to enough power for about 250 homes a year. If the deal goes through, the farm would be in operation by 2013.
NPPD board Chairman Larry Linstrom said investing in more wind turbines is a good idea, particularly because the utility will be losing 50 megawatts of power generated at Kingsley Dam at Lake McConaughy. The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District is sending that power to Kansas for at least the next decade, according to NPPD.