The 26th EU PVSEC offers a unique platform to present innovative results and ideas to PV specialists and decision makers from all continents. For many years now, the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition has combined a renowned international scientific conference with a leading PV industry exhibition. Every year, during 5 days of conference and 4 days of fair, new products and technical innovations from all areas of photovoltaics and from all over the world are on show.
The 26th edition reports a strong booking of exhibition space and the exhibition area has been further expanded in 2011. It spreads now over 9 exhibition halls. The 2011 exhibition space bookings by the global photovoltaic industry are ahead of the bookings in 2009 and 2010.
The PV industry Exhibition of the 26th EU PVSEC represents the entire PV value chain along the following main product categories:
Manufacturers and suppliers of PV production equipment and materials
PV products: Ingots/wafers/cells, silicon/Thin Film/concentrator modules
Manufacturers of mounting and tracking systems, inverters, batteries, cabling and connection materials
Distributors/integrators/assemblers of PV systems
Governmental institutions, finance, research institutes, project developers, consultants, media, etc.
Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, EU PVSEC Technical Programme Chairman comments: ”This confirms the commitment of the international PV community to this unique annual show and underlines once more the outstanding role of the 26th EU PVSEC for PV industry and research making this the most inspiring platform for the global PV solar sector.”
As official event of the 26th EU PVSEC, the 8th European PV Industry Summit is jointly organised by EPIA and WIP on Monday 5 September 2011.
For many years now, the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition has combined a renowned international scientific conference with a leading PV industry exhibition and trade fair. Every year, during 5 days of conference and 4 days of trade fair, new products and technical innovations from all areas of photovoltaics and from all over the world are on show.
The EU PVSEC is supported by European and international organisations such as the European Commission, UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Natural Sciences Sector, WCRE – World Council for Renewable Energy, IPVEA – the International Photovoltaic Equipment Association and by an institutional cooperation with EPIA – the European Photovoltaic Industry Association. The Technical Programme is coordinated by the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre.