This wind farm will be in Pariñas district, province of Talara (Piura), on the terms and conditions of MEM resolution approving the final assignment, and detailed in the concession contract approved.
The resolution issued by the MEM, said that its Directorate General for Energy Environmental Affairs (DGAAE) adopted on 19 January the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the wind farm Talara.
Similarly, another resolution gave final concession to develop the business of power transmission in the transmission line of 220 kilovolts (Kv) Cupisnique Wind Farm Central – Sub Station Guadalupe, located in the districts of San Pedro de Lloc, San Jose and Guadalupe, Pacasmayo province (La Libertad).
It should be noted that the January 7, 2011 approved the EIA DGAAE the project "Wind Central Cupisnique and interconnection to the National Interconnected System (SEIN)."
In both cases, authorized the Director General of Electricity of MEM to sign on behalf of the State, the respective concession contracts approved.
By José Santamarta,