The solar power plant, which will have an installed capacity of 4.8 MW, should generate over 5.7 million kilowatt hours annually, enough to meet the annual consumption needs of more than 2,100 households and avoid the emission of 4,000 metric tons of CO2.
Enel Green Power has continued to grow in the photovoltaic sector, having launched new solar energy plants and sites between the end of last year and the start of 2011. A 5 MW photovoltaic field has been completed in Serragiumenta, in the province of Cosenza, the first plant to be built through Enel Green Power’s joint venture with Sharp. An 1 MW photovoltaic solar power plant has also been completed in Deruta, in the province of Perugia. In Taranto, the Company recently inaugurated a system of more than 3 MW installed on the roofs of industrial buildings belonging to the Marcegaglia group. The project, in which EGP holds a majority interest, is among the largest roof-top plants in the country using innovative thin-film technology. Enel Green Power is also finishing work on a 2.5 MW plant in Strambino, in the province of Turin (60% EGP – 40% Finpiemonte).
Enel Green Power has begun work on doubling the installed capacity of the Serre Persano plant from the current 3.3 MW to 6.6 MW. The plant is located in the province of Salerno. Also, the Company is constructing a new 9 MW photovoltaic plant in Adrano, near Catania, on the site where Enel built the world’s first concentrating solar power plant in 1981.
Finally, the Company is completing the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of CIS-Interporto Campano’s buildings in Nola, near Naples. With an installed capacity of 25 MW, it will be the largest roof-top, thin-film photovoltaic system in Europe.