The wind farm will have a total installed capacity of 33 MW, enough to provide clean energy to 22,000 households and avoid the production of 77,000 tonnes/year of CO2, thus helping France to meet government targets to install 19 GW of onshore wind energy and 6 GW of offshore wind power by 2020. Onshore wind farm plants in France represent an installed power of 5.7 GW.
The contract signed by Alstom, worth just under €30 million in total, includes the assembly, supply and installation of eleven ECO 110 wind turbines of 3 MW each plus five years of operation & maintenance.
“This contract represents the great interest our clients have in our ECO 110 wind turbine, because of its higher energy yield and lower noise emissions,” said Alfonso Faubel, Vice President, Alstom Wind. “These two factors make it the ideal choice for more populated regions, opening up new opportunities for wind farm development across Europe.”
With its 53-metre long blades, Alstom’s ECO 110 wind turbine captures power more efficiently, meaning fewer units are needed to generate a given amount of electricity. One unit alone has the capacity to provide enough electricity for 2,000 households and avoid the production of 7,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
To date, Alstom Wind has installed or is installing more than 2,080 wind turbines in more than 110 wind farms, representing a total capacity of more than 22,680 MW.