“The wind turbines industry continues to grow on PEI with $40 million in electricity sales in 2010 from public and private farms,” said Mr. Brown. “Recognizing the value of this industry, we intend to commission an additional 30 MW of publicly owned wind power, making PEI a world leader utilizing wind power for domestic use.”
"The PEI Energy Corporation’s profits will be re-invested into further wind energy development as well as the Office of Energy Efficiency," said Mr. Brown.
“We continue to be impressed with the amount of wind energy we are able to generate on Prince Edward Island,” said Mr. Brown. “Wind power provides almost 20% of our energy needs. It is a source of clean, renewable energy that is reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and we are committed to increasing our wind capacity for more domestic consumption.”
Wind power provides Maritime Electric with reasonably priced electricity. During the last power outage, the company was able to use 30 mw of power from the East Point Wind Farm to restore electricity, rather than relying on more expensive power from its oil-fired generating plant.