At the same time, China’s rapid economic growth and heavy reliance on increasingly expensive foreign oil, the vast environmental toll that is one of the most apparent costs of China”s economic success, persistent rural poverty in China and periodic power shortages all have impressed upon the Chinese government that renewable energy must be a large part of China”s economy if China is to both complete its economic transformation and achieve "energy security". China rapidly has moved along the path of renewable energy development.
Meanwhile, Brazil’s energy industry is at a crossroads. After a decade of reforms and privatizations, Brazil is reevaluating its plans to meet growing energy needs following a crippling power shortage that rocked the nation in 2001 and a change of government on January 1, 2003.
The country’s energy policies of the last decade have been highly successful. Brazil has transformed itself from a major oil importer whose rising imports from the Middle East were leaving the country with crippling deficits to an expected net exporter of crude oil before the end of this decade.
As renewable energy creates waves in these three countries, it is obvious that investment in the renewable energy industry in India, China and Brazil have gone up. Aruvian’s R’search presents a research report that analyzes the investment in the renewable energy industry in India, China and Brazil.
In its research report Renewable Energy Investment in India, China and Brazil, Aruvian’s R’search presents a view of the amount and type of investment that the renewable energy market is attracting in these three countries. From venture capital to private equity, there is a sudden wave of investment in the renewable energy market of India, China and Brazil, and this research report takes a look at the various types of investment in the market, and also how much has been invested in which sector, namely solar power, wind power, biomass, amongst others.
The report starts off with an in-depth analysis of the renewable energy markets in these countries so as to present a complete scenario of what is going on in these markets and why these particular markets are drawing in such large amounts of investment.
Further to this, the investment profile in the renewable energies market is analyzed, keeping in mind the various market sectors.
The report ‘Renewable Energy Investment in China, India and Brazil’ concludes with a viewpoint on why there is no end to investment in the renewable energy market.