The Photovoltaic systems, also known as PV system, will strive to produce clean energy with photovoltaic panels. UB will start installation of these photovoltaic systems, from August this year, at its Central Campus across 2.04 acres of land. The electricity generated will be purchased by Belize Electricity Limited (BEL). As per the agreement, GOB will transfer the gross income obtained by the sales of power as grants to UB. After 10 years, UB can acquire the rights to own and manage the PV system without spending any extra funds.
The Government of Japan, in collaboration with the GOB, through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will provide financial support for the operation and design of the PV systems. JICA has already contributed $20 million for this one year project. UB will work along with BEL, the Ministry of Works and other organizations for the procurement and maintenance of equipment.