The Toronto Zoo turned to zero emission electric vehicles such as Vantage not only to reduce carbon emissions but also operating costs. "Electric vehicles do not idle, have fewer moving parts, and run at a cost per mile substantially lower than their gas counterparts. In frequent stop environments such as the Toronto Zoo, this equates to literally thousands of dollars in savings every year", said Shawne Lowe, VP of Operations for RMG.
The initial order of six units will include all platform configurations including extended cab pickups with hydraulic dump boxes, crew cabs, and a passenger van.
Low Speed Electric Vehicles
LSV’s are regulated by Transport Canada with a top speed of 40 km/h. They are designed primarily for use in controlled environments by government and commercial entities such as municipalities, universities, provincial parks, airports, military bases and entertainment venues. As a 100% electric, zero emission vehicle, Vantage trucks are most often chosen to reduce carbon emissions and operating costs or provide a highly visible example of environmental stewardship. Each Vantage LSV can reduce annual carbon emissions by more than 9 tons.
Revolution Motor Group is a privately owned Canadian corporation with head offices in Stouffville, Ontario, Canada. As the exclusive Canadian distributor of Vantage electric vehicles, RMG is focused on the development of a national retail network and sales of an environmentally friendly line of vehicles.
As the former National Fleet Manager for ZENN Motor Company, Chris Strong brings valuable experience to RMG, "Most organizations have mandates to buy green, but their vehicles must still have a reasonable degree of utility and practicality. In commercial multi-user environments, vehicles are treated more harshly than you or I would treat our own cars. So an electric vehicle has to be tough and offer cargo and passenger capacity. We chose Vantage because they fit this description to a T".