A recent boom in wind energy shook the Turkish market. Following a call for bids in 2007, 751 projects worth 78 GW were received in one day, and since then, the government has issued licenses for 5 GW, of which 402 MW are being constructed and 668 MW have received permission.
At 0.5% of total energy consumption in Turkey, wind energy has far to go to reach high levels of efficacy; however, overall growth of the industry has been impressive. Although 2000-2005 marked a dry period for wind farm capacity, the market doubled in 2006 and tripled in 2007 and 2008.
Wind turbines capacity potential is reputably high throughout the country, with a technical wind potential of 6-7GW. Regions with the highest probable wind speeds at heights of 50 m are found in the Aegean, Marmora and Eastern Mediterranean Regions, as well as mountainous regions of central Anatolia.
Investment Opportunities in the Wind Energy Sector in Europe is part of the Energy & Power Growth Partnership Services programme, which also includes research in the following markets: large hydropower, biomass energy and offshore wind energy.