Wind energy generation in Canada has increased ten-fold in the last six years as governments seek ways to meet increasing energy demand, reduce greenhouse gases and other environmental impacts of electricity generation, and stimulate rural and industrial economic development.
Currently 3,426 MW of electricity is generated by wind turbines in Canada, which is enough to power more than one million homes.
"There is much to celebrate in Canada on Global Wind Day," said CanWEA President Robert Hornung. "Wind energy is now being produced in every province and we expect wind energy’s rapid growth in Canada to continue with production quadrupling in the next five years. With its unparalleled wind resource, large hydroelectric capacity, strong manufacturing base and linkages to the US market, this country has an incredible opportunity to maximize the economic, industrial development, and environmental benefits associated with wind energy."
Canada is currently ranked 11th globally in terms of installed capacity, which is now roughly divided among Ontario (one-third), Alberta and Quebec (one-third split roughly 50/50), and Canada’s remaining seven provinces (one-third). An up-to-date graphic of Canada’s installed wind energy capacity can be found at
"Our municipality has benefited so much from wind energy that it is now a part of our identity," said Lynn Acre, mayor of Bayham, which is home to the Erie Shores Wind Farm. "We sought this opportunity to bring positive change to our region, and have benefited from job creation and increased tax revenues, new tourism and our local farmers now have another source of income."
CanWEA is the voice of Canada’s wind energy industry, actively promoting the responsible and sustainable growth of wind energy on behalf of its more than 400 members. A national non-profit association, CanWEA serves as Canada’s leading source of credible information about wind energy and its social, economic and environmental benefits. To join other global leaders in the wind energy industry, CanWEA believes Canada can and must reach its target of producing 20 per cent or more of the country’s electricity from wind by 2025.