"Westar Energy is eager to work with an experienced and successful Smart Grid leader like eMeter to get it right," said Bill Moore, Westar Energy president and chief executive officer. "Westar strongly believes that our customers should come first. For this reason, we are installing the Smart Grid software platform before meter deployment to deliver a reliable and scalable system that immediately provides customers with accurate information on their energy use."
After a rigorous evaluation process, Westar Energy selected eMeter to provide the Smart Grid technologies that will engage Westar Energy’s customers and give them daily access into their electricity use and its costs. With eMeter’s Energy Engage, customers can receive this information via the web, emails or even text alerts making it easy for them to adjust their energy use and focus on energy conservation. Additionally, the new technology with allow Westar Energy to better connect renewable energy sources into the grid and prepare the grid for future energy needs, including the integration of electric vehicles.
"eMeter has the right products and experience to ensure successful Smart Grid deployments. We are excited about working with Westar Energy on a blueprint for achieving their business and customer goals," said Gary Bloom, CEO at eMeter. "It’s clear that utilities are ready to put the DOE funding to work – now."
Westar Energy is one of several utilities to receive funding from the DOE’s Smart Grid grant under the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. eMeter transmission and distribution utility customer, CenterPoint Energy also received $200 million in DOE funding to accelerate the deployment of its advanced metering system and begin its Intelligent Grid project.
eMeter’s EnergyIP software platform will enable Westar Energy to better integrate operations and manage the electrical grid by detecting outages, power loss and reducing peak demand as well as provide more detailed monthly bills to its customers. eMeter’s EnergyIP is the centerpiece of eMeter’s Smart Grid Management Software Suite that has the most large scale, mass-market deployments in the industry. It not only enables utilities like Westar Energy to rapidly deploy meter-to-cash, but also serves as a flexible platform upon which Westar Energy can add other applications such as deployment planning, automated provisioning and asset tracking.
Westar Energy, Inc. (WR) is the largest electric utility in Kansas, providing electric service to about 684,000 customers in the state. Westar Energy has about 7,100 megawatts of electric generation capacity and operates and coordinates more than 35,000 miles of electric distribution and transmission lines.
eMeter provides essential software that enables electric, gas and water utilities to realize the full benefits of Smart Grid. Leading utilities worldwide depend on eMeter Smart Grid Management software to reduce operational costs, improve customer service, and drive energy efficiency. With the most large-scale deployments in the industry and strategic partnerships with Accenture, IBM, Logica, and Siemens, eMeter has built a reputation for unparalleled expertise that ensures customer success.