Robert Stewart, NV Energy’s Senior Vice President of Customer Relationships, said that the utility was looking for a high-bandwidth, multi-application solution that provided the right mix of operational benefits and advanced smart grid features. “We needed a proven, interoperable, and secure system that would provide a foundation for our long-term smart grid strategy and deliver near term operational savings,” he said. He pointed to IP-based open systems and customer signaling as features of the Sensus FlexNet system that the utility will leverage to serve its primary goal of growing closer to the consumer.
“Sensus will support NV Energy’s demand response applications for shedding peak summer and winter electric loads and enable advanced applications for distribution automation and distributed generation,” said Peter Mainz, President and CEO of Sensus.
NV Energy is also expected to benefit from the reach and power of the FlexNet RF solution, which offers an industry-leading 2 watts of power for the transmission of data, statistics, and other usage information for utilities and consumers. This primary-use FCC licensed spectrum provides a clear path for value added features, including customer education, conservation, and integration with home area networks.
The NV Energy deployment will benefit 2.4 million consumers in Nevada with a single smart grid solution, including those in rural mountainous northern Nevada and densely populated urban Las Vegas. The FlexNet system’s tower gateway basestations will be installed primarily at the utility’s existing substations.
Sensus continues to build upon the millions of FlexNet endpoints deployed throughout North America. More than 200 electric, gas, and water utilities currently use the communication system, including large Investor Owned Utilities, small municipalities, and rural electric cooperatives.
Sensus is a time-tested technology and communications company providing data collection and metering solutions for water, gas and electric utilities around the world. Sensus is a transforming force for the utilities of tomorrow through its ability to help customers optimize resources, as well as to meet conservation and customer service objectives. Sensus customers rely on the Company for expert, reliable service in order to meet challenges and exceed goals.