Acciona has obtained the registration of the five Concentrating Solar Power facilities (CSP) projects it had presented, all of them with a capacity of 50 MW: Alvarado (also called ‘La Risca’); Palma del Río I and Palma del Río II (in Andalusia), and Orellana and Majadas (in Extremadura). These 250 MW have been included in Phase 1 of the four established by the Spanish Cabinet on November 13th, which means that the facilities can enter service as soon as their construction is completed. They represent 28% of the CSP capacity preallocation in this first phase and 11% of the total preallocated capacity.
Twenty-nine wind power projects have also been entered in the Register totaling 824.25 MW (13% of the preallocated total in this technology) and 774.75 MW in attributable terms (12%).
Thirteen of the wind farms (total capacity 441.45 MW) are located in the region of Valencia: Boira, Losilla, Salomon, Benalaz, Benalaz II, El Mulatón, Las Bodeguillas, La Solana, Rincón del Cabello and Alto Palancia III (the acquisition of the last-named will be completed by the end of this year), all 100% owned by the company, and Peñas de Dios, Peñas de Dios II and Cerro de la Nevera, in which the company has a 50% stake through Renomar.
Five windparks (total capacity 159.6 MW) are located in Andalusia: Viento de Alcalá, Castellana, Loma de Lázaro, Llano del Espino and Cerro Gaviria. Another five, totaling 126 MW, are situated in the region of Castilla y León: Celada I, Celada V, Peña Nebina, Sierra Sesnández and Cerro de la Mira. A further five are in Castilla-La Mancha: El Relumbrar, Peralejo, Escepar, Villamayor and El Chaparro (total capacity 92 MW) and one in Galicia: Goa (5.20 MW).
In the field of biomass, two projects by Acciona have been entered in the preallocation Register: Miajadas and Alcázar de San Juan, with 30 MW (34% of the preallocated total). Given that the capacity objectives stated for this technology in the National Renewable Energy Plan 2005-2010 have not been achieved, the Register will remain open for the presentation of new applications for preallocation of biomass plants.