Rare Earths – Suddenly Under the Microscope

China has dominated production since the late 1990s but its share of consumption has also been growing and, to protect resources, export quotas and taxes have been introduced over the last five years. As quotas have decreased, and Chinese government control of rare earth production and trade has tightened the world has woken up to the fact that the supply of rare earths from China is not infinite.

Demand for rare earths for magnets used in hybrid cars, wind turbines, MP3 players and laptops is growing rapidly and consumers in Japan, Europe and North America are looking to secure rare earth supplies for the future.

The focus is now moving to operations outside China. Japanese companies are looking to source material from Vietnam and Kazakhstan, Neo Materials Technologies plans to source heavy rare earths from Brazil, Molycorp has announced the restart of mining at its Mountain Pass operation, and – of particular interest to investors – exploration and test results from new players are being reported with increasing frequency.

In this world of neodymium, dysprosium and europium – how do you tell if a prospect will provide a good return? At the upcoming Fifth International Conference on Rare Earths you will be able to meet with representatives of companies that have a long track record in rare earths such as Neo Material Technologies Inc, Rhodia Electronics & Catalysis, Molycorp LLC and AS Silmet, as well as potential producers at an advanced stage of development such as Lynas Corporation and Alkane Resources. Newer entrants will also be presenting an update on their exploration and metal testing programmes – your chance to meet:

– Arafura Resources Ltd
– Avalon Rare Metals Inc
– Great Western Minerals Group
– Hudson Inc
– Rare Element Resources

Speakers include CEOs from both producing and consuming companies, leading traders, and industry analysts.

5th International Rare Earths Conference

November 17-19 2009,

Excelsior Hotel, Hong Kong

Special rate expires September 18

Metal Events Ltd and Roskill Information Services Ltd are returning to Hong Kong. The lead sponsor is Lynas Corporation Ltd. This is the international event for the global rare earths industry. Click the link below for more information about the conference and to register
