“Representative Pompeo seems to misunderstand how a key federal tax incentive has built a thriving American wind turbines manufacturing sector and tens of thousands of American jobs.
Wind energy is creating one of the fastest-growing U.S. manufacturing sectors, growing to almost 400 factories in 2010, up from as few as 30 in 2004, as the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service recently found. This means 75,000 jobs across the US — including seven manufacturing facilities and as many as 1,000 jobs in Kansas.
Changing the tax code to in effect raise taxes on companies creating these American jobs would be a mistake that would cost our economy exactly the sort of manufacturing jobs we need more of today.
The stability of production tax credit has provided the foundation of wind energy’s transformation of a new manufacturing sector based on American ingenuity: wind farmhas supplied more than a third of all new electric capacity in the U.S. over the past five years.
Wind energy is ahead of schedule to produce 20% of all of America¹s electricity just 18 years from now as projected under the George W. Bush administration. At that point it will support 500,000 American jobs.
The wind energy industry is now a proven success across America, operating in 42 states. In Iowa alone — a state that now leads our nation in percentage of wind power generation, wind now provides enough power for 900,000 homes and more than 4,000 jobs.
Surveys consistently show that Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of clean wind energy and the Made in the USA jobs that it helps create. Wind energy received 89% public approval in a recent poll.
Wise Kansans like Governor Sam Brownback understand that wind energy means jobs in the Sunflower State and have offered their support for the federal Production Tax Credit. It is my hope that Representative Pompeo sees that clean, homegrown American wind energy is a market that we are winning – with the support of a key federal tax incentive."
What other leaders have said recently about wind energy:
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (R): "The wind industry has utilized a production tax credit, which has helped the industry see steady growth this decade. I support the continued use of those tools as a way to spur investment in ourcommunities and create sorely needed jobs."
Read more: www.kansas.com/2011/09/11/2011116/gov-sam-brownback-wind-offers.html
Iowa Governor Terry Branstad (R): “We cannot overlook the impact of the wind industry on economic development and jobs in Iowa,” Branstad also on the record supporting congressional approval of a long-term extension of the wind energy production tax credit to give businesses looking to invest somestability and predictability.
24 Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition: “Although tax credits for wind energy have long enjoyed bipartisan support, they are scheduled to expire next year. Wind-related manufacturing will slow if the credits are not extended, and some of the tax credit’s benefit will be lost if Congress pursues a last minute extention. It is important to have consistency in policy to support the continued development of wind manufacturing in the United States.”
Read more: www.awea.org/newsroom/pressreleases/110825_24_governors_ask.cfm