The panels will eventually cover a total area of 450,000 m2 (equivalent to more than 60 football fields), offering an installed power capacity of 60 MW (the annual consumption of a town with a population of 15,000).
By using renewable solar energy, Renault will cut CO2 emissions by 30,000 tonnes a year. The installation of solar panels at manufacturing plants is a sign of Renault’s long-standing commitment to the environment, expressed in the eco2 policy. And the range of affordable electric vehicles is the flagship development of that commitment.
In partnership with Gestamp Solar, which took over the project started by Eiffage, Renault is launching the biggest solar panel project in the global automotive industry. When the 450,000 m2 of solar panels are operational, they will cover an area equivalent to 63 football fields. The installed power capacity of 60 MW is the equivalent annual electricity consumption of a town with a population of 15,000.
The project is part of Renault 2016 – Drive The Change, Renault’s strategic plan to reduce its carbon footprint by 10% by 2013 and by a further 10% between 2013 and 2016. The solar panel project will reduce CO2 emissions by 30,000 tonnes a year.
Renault has implemented several actions to reduce consumption at its plants (e.g. the zero carbon plant in Tangiers). With the solar roof project, Renault is showing its concern to conserve resources by diversifying the energy mix used to generate electricity, and particularly by using renewable energy sources.
Solar panels will cover the roofs of the delivery and shipping centers at the Douai, Maubeuge, Flins, Batilly and Sandouville sites, and the staff parking lots at Maubeuge and Cléon. The start date for installation is mid-June 2011 and completion is scheduled for February 2012.