Tag Archives: MAN

Concentrated solar thermal powers oil-rich Gulf emirate

The world’s biggest thermal solar power plant has gone online in oil-rich Abu Dhabi. Shams 1 is the first plant of its kind in a desert region, providing power for thousands of homes. Leaving the high-rise buildings of Abu Dhabi city behind us, we drive through the dust and sand of the desert. On both … Continue reading Concentrated solar thermal powers oil-rich Gulf emirate

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MAN steam turbine generates electricity in the world

The 100-megawatt solar thermal power plant, “Shams 1”, was officially launched in Abu Dhabi last week. Heart of the plant is a steam turbine which has been supplied by MAN Diesel & Turbo and will be used to drive a generator. The eco-friendly electricity this produces would be enough to serve roughly 57,000 German households. … Continue reading MAN steam turbine generates electricity in the world

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