Spain approved 10 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects for 539 MW in the last week of January

The Official State Gazette includes announcements in the last week of January corresponding to 10 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects, including a 193.95 MW plant belonging to the Cobra Group.

Application for a declaration of public utility, specifically, of the PSFV Tabernas 1 photovoltaic solar park project, of 47.09 MW, located in the municipality of Lucainena de las Torres (Almería), promoted by Abei Energy.

Application for a Declaration of Public Utility of the Caparacena 220 photovoltaic solar plant, of 93.24 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure in the municipalities of Moclín, Colomera and Atarfe in the province of Granada, promoted by Endesa.

Application for a Declaration of Public Utility of the Cruceta Solar photovoltaic installation, of 42.94 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipality of Horche, in the province of Guadalajara, promoted by Verbund.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation and, in particular, a declaration of public utility for the Avutarda Solar photovoltaic installation, of 50.16 MW, and its 30 kV evacuation infrastructure, in Paracuellos del Jarama (Madrid), promoted by Ignis.

Application for declaration of public utility for the evacuation infrastructure of the PFV Mula III photovoltaic solar plant, of 62.61 MW, in the municipality of Mula, province of Murcia, promoted by Grupo Cobra.

Application for declaration of public utility for the evacuation infrastructure of the PFV Murcia 1 photovoltaic solar plant, of 193.95 MW, in the municipality of Mula, province of Murcia, promoted by Grupo Cobra.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation, and declaration of public utility of the project for the photovoltaic solar plant called Aleixar of 2.085 MW, on land on non-developable land, in the municipality of L’Aleixar, in the region of El Baix Camp and its evacuation infrastructure, which consists of a 25 kV line in the municipality of L’Aleixar, in the region of El Baix Camp (Tarragona), promoted by European Energy.

Request for prior administrative authorisation, construction, declaration of public utility and authorisation of the project for a specific action of public interest on non-developable land and environmental impact assessment of the project for the solar park called Les Planetes of 4.95 MW, on land on non-developable land, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipality of L’Aleixar, in the region of El Baix Camp (Tarragona), promoted by European Energy.

Environmental impact statement for the Frontones Hybrid photovoltaic installation project, 30 MW, with a 4 MW battery storage system, for hybridisation with the Frontones wind farm, 50 MW, in the province of Albacete, promoted by Elawan.

Administrative authorisation and declaration, specifically, of public utility and environmental assessment of the modification of the project called Bess Valle de Güímar energy storage facility, 12 MW / 41 MWh, in the municipality of Arafo, Tenerife, promoted by Return Energy.